Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Wedding

"Two are better than one, for they have a good reward for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion."  - Ecclesiastes 4:9

The much talked about "wedding on the farm" finally took place on June 1st, and it was beautiful.
It was a unique wedding, not only because of the amazing handmade touches to everything, the creative displays, photo booth, the meal that came straight from the farm, and fun reception games. It was also unique because of the way that this couple decided to conduct their relationship before the wedding day.  They followed a betrothal process, which made the ceremony meaningful in it's own way.

Here is the jist of their story. :)

A Love Story

Emily & Sammy met at Messiah West Coast (a youth summer camp) in 2011, and built a friendship afterward guided by their parents.  Sammy knew right when he saw Emily that she was the one he was going to marry.  Emily liked Sammy but had things to of them being going to Israel.  After camp, Emily took a trip to Israel and worked with a ministry called HaYovel.  She was really inspired there by the standards of purity in the group, and decided that when she got married that she would do things in a biblical fashion. While Emily was in Israel, Sammy pursued gaining Emily's father's approval by moving to the property here in Orosi to be a part of GIT (Growing in Torah).  He worked on the farm for 6 months. When Emily returned from her 6 week Israel trip, she and Sammy continued their friendship.  They decided not to "date". Sammy had been in relationships before, and had decided that he was going to "do things differently this time." Sammy returned the following year for the program and the two of them got to know each other better in a group setting.

The Betrothal
"I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and in justice, In lovingkindness and in compassion." - Hosea 2:19

A betrothal is a serious commitment between two people.  It is different than dating, courting, or even an engagement. There is no "trying someone out" to see if they fit, or spending lots of time together alone. This is how a typical betrothal works:  1) The guy and girl get to know each other as friends in a group setting, and any time spent together as friends is chaperoned. 2) After a time when the guy believes that she is "the one", he then makes his move and asks permission from the girl's father to marry his daughter. 3) Provided that the girl wants the same thing, the couple is betrothed; and, ideally, the couple remains separated until their wedding. "Betrothal is made to protect the hearts of the two individuals." ~Emily

After two years of "only friendship" with Emily,  Sammy asked her father for her hand in marriage.  Her dad gave his blessing, and within a short time they read vows to each other, she took his last name, and he started preparing a place for them to live.  Because they both lived on the same property, their betrothal wasn't typical. (ie they saw each other every day, which Emily said made the process much more difficult.)  An example of betrothal in the Bible: Mary & Joseph. A betrothal is like being married, but without living together.

Bryan (Emily's dad) shared at the reception how agonizing the betrothal was for Emily. "I have his ring, I have his last name, but I don't have him!" He compared how similar it is with our heavenly bridegroom, Yeshua (Jesus). We are betrothed to Him (Hosea 2:9), we have taken his name (Revelation 14:1), and "He goes to prepare a place for us" (John 14:2) but we won't see His face or have His full presence until He returns.

Bryan posed the question: Do we yearn for His return like a lovesick bride?

                                    ~ The Wedding Day ~

Mother (Karla) & daughter
The kiddos, right before the ceremony
Father (Bryan) & daughter walking down the aisle
The Bridesmaids (Emily's two sisters on the right)
Groomsmen. Sammy's dad on the left.

Leah, Emily's sister, made this amazing cake herself.

Mr. & Mrs. Carter
On a personal note, when I have gone to weddings in the past, my mind often slips into "regretful-mode", thinking about the many mishaps that occurred at my own wedding, the stress, and things that I should have done differently.  In other words, I suffer from Post Traumatic Wedding Disorder. ;) This has made me a bit wedding-phobic.  However, this time around, this is what I learned....

-It's much funner to help with someone else's wedding than plan your own.
-The best way to cure your own wedding woes is to help someone else's go spectacularly well.
-how to fold fancy napkins :)
-I have learned a lot about being married in 14 years and still have a lot to learn.
-A wedding lasts a day, but a marriage lasts a lifetime......and I am SO thankful that even though my wedding was a "dud" in certain ways, my marriage is getting better and better as the years go by. :)

Thoughts on Marriage from a book I'm reading....

quotes from Women's Wisdom: The Garden of Peace for Women

"A true home is built through love and generosity - through thinking of the other person."

"Compassion begins at home."

"The most important things in life depend on gratitude. This is particularly true with regard to marital bliss. If both husband and wife seek out the good points in one another and thank each other for their kindnesses, they will surely develop a wonderful, genuine love."

"A good spouse will not concern himself with what his wife/husband is or is not doing. Rather, a good spouse will devote his efforts and thoughts on what he/she can do to build their home, improve their marital partnership, and enhance the love between man and wife."

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A fishing trip, a drive home, and a couple of cows.

I've been neglecting our blog lately (oops!) but it hasn't been for a lack of "happenings".  Lack of time, inspiration and a bad internet connection....those are my excuses. ;)

Guess we need to backtrack for the past month.  Let's start off with some "trailer life" reality/humor, shall we?

We found this little guy coming down the chute when we were emptying our sewer tank. Apparently Baby J had been up to some mischief in the bathroom.
(So that's where Thomas the Train went!)

Mother's Day

While Josh and Daniel were awake at 4am getting on a fishing boat, us ladies (Karla & I) got to sleep in and enjoy a candlelit Mother's Day pancake breakfast prepared by the GIT girls. They also blessed us with gift bags filled with homemade soaps, an apron (handmade), and a pretty infinity scarf, and babysat for us (well, just for me...Karla's kids are grown) while we went out to lunch at Lapa Lapa's Mexican Restaurant.

The guys had gone deep sea fishing for Sammy's bachelor party and, as a consolation prize for it being on Mom's Day had promised to come back with truckloads of fish to BBQ.  Well, wouldn't ya know it, they came home later that evening, disappointed.  Deep sea fishing had been cancelled due to the weather.  Poor guys.  On top of that, the groom and a few other guys got horribly sea sick.

The guys got to hike, at least, and enjoy riding the fishing boat
for a little while. Here is D w/ Sammy (the groom). What a great guy
to let a 10 year old come to his bachelor party! How many kids
do you know who have gone to bachelor parties?!

A drive home 
(the weekend after Mother's Day)

We took a mini-vacation to Santa Rosa to see family and take care of financial things.
D & J taking a nap on the road, :)

Mom & Dad Brady's house/property. We stayed in
their nice RV while the kiddos stayed in the house.
Felt like a vacation for our ears. :)
The kids didn't want to leave.
We all had such a wonderful time.

Z with "Nana".  Sorry Nana, but I had to capture
the moment! ;)

S & E being silly with their favorite Auntie (my sister).
sister time.

My mama

The kiddos with their best SR friends. We had a short but sweet

a mini-tornado we noticed swirling in our direction while driving through Fresno on the way home. 

We also visited our friends in Manteca on the way home but forgot to take pictures. It was great to spend time with our good friends and catch up. 

A couple of cows
Also not pictured, (for very good reason) is the Bull Slaughtering that we viewed a few weeks ago on the farm. Yeah. It wasn't pretty...but now we know how it's done!  D & E decided to watch the whole process with us. I wasn't sure how they would do, but they did fine. They actually giggled a bit when the bull's tongue was hanging out and they started acting silly, much to my dismay.  I guess I feel that we should be more reverent when witnessing death.  The butcher was very nonchalant about it all and cracked some jokes while he was cutting off it's parts.  I guess with as many cows as he's butchered it makes sense that it wouldn't be a big deal.  Yet it felt like such a solemn moment for me and many of the others who were seeing that kind of thing done for the first time. I know that the Native Americans thank the animals that they kill for their life.  I can definitely understand that custom now.  The meat was going to be for the wedding, so it gave all of us a great appreciation of what actually goes into a "meal".

Fruit picking
We also visited the Leppke farm a couple weeks ago and helped pick 60 baskets of nectarines!

There was a lot of perfectly good fruit on the ground that hadn't been picked up. I made it my mission to gather it all- to "rescue it" from becoming mush in the sun!..and of course I got one of my epiphanies while doing that. :) Here it is.....ready?.....People are like fruit. They have talents and abilities that are often lying on the ground, unused, and if they don't pick them up and use them, they as people can "rot" and go to waste. The fruit pickers of life come along and pick out the best looking ones on the tree...and sometimes don't bend down to pick up ones that have fallen. I see God as the fruit picker who sees the good fruit "hiding" under the tree and gathers it to be used. :) Call me strange...but there are so many metaphors in nature!

And lastly, we have a 10 year old!

May 28th
D at Brewbaker's Bar & Grill in Visalia
enjoying a HUGE root beer float.

Another update coming soon. Sammy & Emily's wedding took place last night, and it was truly beautiful. I hope to talk about it in the next post.

'Til then. May you have a blessed week.

~The Brady Bunch